Saturday, January 27, 2007

Cotton Candy Truth.

Treat me like a stranger
with eyes so new and bright
you can almost see joy.
Pretend my shadows
no longer hide the sun
and you can turn crispy
brown from the texture
of the rays.
Lie not, my love
for the sky is made of
cotton candy and sugar
coated clouds that dissolve
and stick to the roof of our mouths.
Betrayal runs deeper
then the color green on this table
wearing shades to hide your
own false refelction.
And I am sorry I replaced
chips with your foggy hope.
I guess i won't bet so high
Next time
We decide to play these games.
Treat me like a stranger
Whose soles bare no holes
and tell me you're a gambler
as we grow 1o feet tall.

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